From Russia with love : New Cyberwar Lessons for Morocco
CGSRS on the Record
Introduction In the framework of the European Governance project “Divide et compromise: the quest for improved European Governance”, the Centre for Geopolitics &Security in Realism Studies (CGSRS) has launched an interview series with European actors – of different political sensitivities…
Frank Lünemann interviews Niccolo Beduschi from CGSRS European Department on the Italian budget crisis. In this first podcast for CGSRS we discuss the origin and development of this crisis as well as analysing the geopolitical situation of Italy in Europe in this context. Share and debate…
Introduction In the framework of the European Governance project “Divide et compromise: the quest for improved European Governance”, the Centre for Geopolitics &Security in Realism Studies (CGSRS) has launched an interview series with European actors – of different political…
Introduction In the framework of the European Governance project “Divide et compromise: the quest for improved European Governance”, the Centre for Geopolitics &Security in Realism Studies (CGSRS) has launched an interview series with European actors – of different political…
Introduction Dr. Tsveta Petrova, faculty at the European Institute at Columbia University, discusses the much debated East/West divide in the European Union (EU) with Elizabeth Zolotukhina, Head of the North America Program at the Centre for Geopolitics and Security in Realism Studies (CGSRS). The interview…