Nonresident Fellow and Deputy director, Europe Programme
Nonresident Fellow and Director, North America Programme
Nonresident Senior Researcher Fellow, Europe Programme
European Union
Future of European Defence: an exception on its way to more integration or an endless imbroglio?
Post by Verónica Martins July 29, 2019
Quo vadis Macron? – European reforms at risk
Post by Verónica Martins May 14, 2018
EU East-West tensions – a marriage of convenience?
Post by Frank Lünemann March 28, 2018
Transcript of the interview with Mr. Luigi Morgano, MEP (S&D Italy)
January 15, 2018
Interview with Mr. Amjad Bashir, MEP (European Conservatives and Reformists Group)
Post by Verónica Martins December 23, 2017
Solving the Cyprus conflict Difficult achievement but far-reaching benefits ahead
February 10, 2017